Where VBA was completely unusable three months ago, now you can write simple macros.
In some ways, it's still a beta version and every update adds significant new features. Hopefully this helps someone else's Excel performance. Excel 2016 is a complete rewrite of the Mac version of the program. Open a new workbook and customise your Zoom setting to 150. For open all files in set the xlstart folder you created at Step 1 as the path. Go to Preferences > General > At startup. There is a preference to open all new workbooks in Normal view but any workbook you've previously saved in Page Layout view will stay in that view until you change it. You can create this folder anywhere, but I prefer doing it within the Documents folder. Just before you begin Knowing About Mac and Excel 2016 15 Most Important Keyboard Shortcuts Frequently Used Shortcuts. We have compiled keyboard shortcuts for Mac users to use in Excel 2016 to help them get started. It would appear that Excel chugs when trying to display sheets in Page Layout view! The keyboard shortcuts that are listed in this book will help you to use Excel in a fashioned, organized and productive way. If you work with a large data set in an Excel workbook, there are times you might need to delete a blank cell or set of blank cells. Spreadsheet features, navigations and terminology are explained. Here’s guide on doing it in Excel for Windows and Mac.
Once in normal view, I could click from cell-to-cell quickly and from sheet-to-sheet quickly. How-to/tutorial video demonstrating how to create a basic Excel spreadsheet. But my code is written to save the file in a particular folder that should always be accessible by Excel, regardless of the sandbox limitation: /Users. I know that starting with Excel for Mac 2016, Excel is sandboxed, meaning you cannot save files wherever you want via VBA code. What finally worked for me was changing the view of each sheet of the notebook I was working on from Page Layout view to Normal view. It only seems to happen on Excel for Mac 20. I tried disabling most automatic features in Excel's preferences I tried turning the Colorful interface into Classic I tried turning off animations I removed all of my fonts and reverted to only the standard system fonts. This was happening on multiple (Mac) computers. I was getting intermittent freezing in Excel where clicking on cells, scrolling through a sheet, and navigating between sheets would pause and not respond for several seconds, if at all.